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» » BREANT Jean

Jean Bréant (1927-1984) is a post-impressionist painter born in Rouen. Unable to choose between his two passions, music and painting, he combines the two using music as a primary influence. Autodidact, studious, curious painter, he has the rare gift of being able to insert within his work moments of emotion, stealth sparks immediately transposed on subjects like Cathédrales, landscapes and portraits.

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Number of products : 5
Jean BREANT - Original painting - Oil - The blue cathedral
The blue cathedral is an original Oil Painting by the artist Jean BREANT which will personalize in a unique and original way the interior of art lovers.
1,450.00 €
Jean BREANT - Original print - Signed lithograph - Rouen Cathedral
Rouen Cathedral is an original lithograph by the artist Jean BREANT who will personalize in a unique and original way the interior of art lovers.
190.00 €
Jean BREANT - Original painting - Gouache - Lighthouse by the sea
Lighthouse by the sea is an original gouache painting by the artist Jean BREANT that will personalize in a unique and original way the interior of art lovers.
290.00 €
Jean BREANT - Original painting - Oil on canvas - Black christ
Black christ is an original oil painting signed by the artist Jean BREANT which will personalize in a unique and original way the interior of art lovers.
350.00 €
Jean BREANT - Original painting - Oil - The bouquet
The bouquet is an original oil painting by artist Jean BREANT that will uniquely and originally personalize the interior of art lovers.
349.00 €
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