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Products corresponding to all the selected criteria:
Etienne GAUDET - Original painting - Watercolor - Ploumanac'h
Ploumanac'h is an original watercolor painting by the artist Etienne GAUDET which will personalize the interior of art lovers in a unique and original way.
200.00 €
350.00 €
Lucien GONDRET - Original painting - Oil - House in Guidel
House in Guidel is an original Oil painting by the artist Lucien GONDRET which will personalize the interior of art lovers in a unique and original way.
350.00 €
Robert YAN - Original print - Lithograph - Banks of the river
Banks of the river is an original print, lithograph by the artist Yan Robert which will personalize in a unique and original way the interior of art lovers.
79.00 €
Lucien GONDRET - Original painting - Oil - The port
The port is an original Oil painting by the artist Lucien GONDRET which will personalize the interior of art lovers in a unique and original way.
400.00 €
Paul CORDONNIER - Original Painting - Watercolor - Breton village
Breton village is an original watercolor painting by the artist Paul CORDONNIER which will personalize in a unique and original way the interior of art lovers.
550.00 €
Jean Claude CARSUZAN - Original print - Lithograph - Cottage in Brittany
Cottage in Brittany is an original lithograph signed by the artist JC CARSUZAN which will uniquely personalize the decoration of art lovers.
49.00 €
Lucien GONDRET - Original painting - Oil - After the rain in Brittany
After the rain in Brittany is an original Oil painting by the artist Lucien GONDRET which will personalize the interior of art lovers in a unique and original way.
350.00 €
Paul CORDONNIER - Original Painting - Watercolor - Breton village 2
Breton village is an original watercolor painting by the artist Paul CORDONNIER which will personalize in a unique and original way the interior of art lovers.
550.00 €
Lucien GONDRET - Original painting - Oil - Morbihan, Bretagne
Morbihan in Brittany is an original Oil painting by the artist Lucien GONDRET which will personalize the interior of art lovers in a unique and original way.
550.00 €
Robert YAN - Original print - Lithograph - Brittany coast
Brittany coast is an original print, lithograph by the artist Yan Robert which will personalize in a unique and original way the interior of art lovers.
79.00 €
Paul CORDONNIER - Original Painting - Watercolor - Breton village 3
Breton village is an original watercolor painting by the artist Paul CORDONNIER which will personalize in a unique and original way the interior of art lovers.
550.00 €
Robert YAN - Original print - Lithograph - Breton fishing village
Breton fishing village is an original print, lithograph by the artist Yan Robert which will personalize in a unique and original way the interior of art lovers.
79.00 €
Paul CORDONNIER - Original Painting - Watercolor - Brittany coast
Brittany coast is an original watercolor painting by the artist Paul CORDONNIER which will personalize in a unique and original way the interior of art lovers.
550.00 €
Lucien GONDRET - Original painting - Oil - The bell tower of the Church of Ploerdut
The bell tower of the Church of Ploerdut is an original Oil painting by the artist Lucien GONDRET which will personalize the interior of art lovers in a unique and original way.
250.00 €
Lucien GONDRET - Original painting - Oil - House at the end of the pier
House at the end of the pier is an original Oil painting by the artist Lucien GONDRET which will personalize the interior of art lovers in a unique and original way.
350.00 €
Lucien GONDRET - Original painting - Oil - Low tide, Morbihan, Bretagne
Low tide, Morbihan, Bretagne is an original Oil painting by the artist Lucien GONDRET which will personalize the interior of art lovers in a unique and original way.
350.00 €
Etienne GAUDET - Original painting - Watercolor - Church in Perros Guirec
Church in Perros Guirec is an original watercolor painting by the artist Etienne GAUDET which will personalize the interior of art lovers in a unique and original way.
120.00 €
Lucien GONDRET - Original painting - Oil - The port of Brigneau, Bretagne
The port of Brigneau, Bretagne is an original Oil painting by the artist Lucien GONDRET which will personalize the interior of art lovers in a unique and original way.
650.00 €
Lucien GONDRET - Original painting - Oil -Locmariaquer, Houses on the jetty
Locmariaquer, Houses on the jetty is an original Oil painting by the artist Lucien GONDRET which will personalize the interior of art lovers in a unique and original way.
750.00 €
Lucien GONDRET - Original painting - Oil - Low tide at Hortensias, Bretagne
Low tide at Hortensias, Bretagne is an original Oil painting by the artist Lucien GONDRET which will personalize the interior of art lovers in a unique and original way.
850.00 €
Etienne GAUDET - Original painting - Watercolor - Port Bara in Quiberon
Port Bara in Quiberon is an original watercolor painting by the artist Etienne GAUDET which will personalize the interior of art lovers in a unique and original way.
300.00 €
Etienne GAUDET - Original painting - Watercolor - Boat in Perros Guirec
Boat in Perros Guirec is an original watercolor painting by the artist Etienne GAUDET which will personalize the interior of art lovers in a unique and original way.
150.00 €
Etienne GAUDET - Original painting - Watercolor - Auray
Auray is an original watercolor painting by the artist Etienne GAUDET which will personalize the interior of art lovers in a unique and original way.
120.00 €
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